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POSEIDON: (a) established a sustainable marine observing network in the Eastern Mediterranean, (b) provides quality and validated forecasts of the marine environment, (c) provides scientific knowledge and support on the study of the ocean mechanisms and their variability, as well as to address the sensitivity of marine ecosystem and biodiversity to combined natural forcing factors and anthropogenic pressures, and (d) provides a technology test bed and services to marine policy-makers and the society. Developed in accordance to the policy frameworks suggested by IOC/GOOS, EuroGOOS, MonGOOS and GEO while it maintains a balance between the operational and research character of the infrastructure through the integration of methodologies and tools developed in relevant EU initiatives and projects.
EURMARS’s ground-breaking vision is to expand the common risk assessment practices currently deployed by authorities to enable the development, deployment and evaluation of a secure multitasking surveillance platform that improves sensing capabilities for a wide range of security risks and threats in wider border areas by clustering high altitude platforms technology, satellite imagery, UxVs (uninhabited vehicles) and ground-based sensors into a novel joint surveillance capability.
The SMAUG project is on a mission to improve and enhance the security of ports and their entrance routes, leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), using an integrated system capable of providing data concerning threat detection and analysis.

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